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Essential Flies For Chub - Fly Selection

 Essential Flies For Chub - Fly Selection  Essential Flies For Chub - Fly Selection - 46 flies
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Buy: Essential Flies For Chub - Fly Selection
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Code: CNFS_CHF Unit price: 69,9 EUR Stock: 3 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

A special fly selection of the most important and all-season effective flies that can not be missed by any enthusiastic fly fisher who loves fishing for chub or asp on non trout rivers and still waters!

This original fly set includes 46 flies tied on high quality hooks of the Japanese brand Hayabusa! This sly selection includes important chub flies, which you can read more about in our articles from the "Best Flies For Chub Fly Fishing" edition.

No situation will catch you on the water with this selection! 23 patterns of 2 pieces per type and for every style of fly fishing - the most effective dry and wet flies, nymphs and streamers - are available in a very practical medium sized thin fly box!

All these flies have been chosen by our specialist Aleš (Ála Richie) again, who is very actively and successfully engaged in fly fishing for big coarse and carp fish on non-trout flowing and still waters all year round!

Producer: Czech Nymph
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