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The Best DRY FLIES For Chub Fly Fishing

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing | Author: Ála Richie

1st episode from a short mini-series of articles devoted to the most basic and effective flies intended for catch a very popular coarse fish - CHUB, which is still inhabited by a large part of European coarse waters! So let's try all these verified DRY FLIES!

AR Foam & Rubber Grass Hopper - My the most popular "silhouetted" dry fly for fishing big river chub during hot summer days!

Popularity of fishing for other than salmonid fish is growing up in the fly fishing world! Whether they are strong sea fish, freshwater predatory species, large carpfish, or smaller coarse fish, which we find most often in abundant representation in European coarse rivers and still waters!

The main prime among these species of fish clearly plays hungry and for fly fisher very grateful species - CHUB! So let's show briefly and clearly the most basic and most effective types of dry flies designed to catch this beautiful sport fish!

DRY FLIES are my favorite category of artificial flies, which I personally mostly fish for chub! They are great types of artificial flies for the main fishing season of the chub on coarse rivers, which are the summer months from June to August! A large number of terrestrial insects leads to the fact that they focus on this type of food as a priority, so it would be totally senseless to catch another fly fishing style than just dry flies! The fisherman would be prepared for great fun and great moments, in which unsightly chub take really big types of flies from the surface without unnecessary worries! So, let's introduce the most basic patterns without which any enthusiastic chub-hunter should not go to the water!

The Best DRY FLIES For Chub! From the left: Procter Kicking Beetle, Goddard Sedge Natural, Red Tag, OE Greendrake Spent Spinner B/L, SR Red Tag Retirer Sedge, Caddis Balloonhammer, Tutty Fruity Klink, McPhail Bubble Wing Caddis Grannom B/L

Procter Kicking Beetle - Bug patterns which imitate larger terrestrial insects are my absolute number one among the dry flies I use for summer fishing for chub! With such a juicy bite, the chub will never refuse! This pattern is an absolute "Must Have" for daily summer fly fishing for chub!

Goddard Sedge - Another very necessary and unsinkable pattern imitating large gray caddis flies which clumsily fly over the river in summer. The right time for this fly is - as opposed to the previous pattern - during the warm summer evenings!

Red Tag - This FLY is the most simple and probably never old evergreen in dry flies for trout and chub! Although I personally never liked fishing for similar fly fishing clichés, Red Tag is simply a real fish catcher! Universal fly for the whole season in all variants and states! ;-)

OE Greendrake Spent Spinner B/L - Excellent big dry fly pattern for the period of hatching of giant Mayflies Ephemera Danica. Fishing with this fly gives us similar experiences like fishing with foam terrestrials or Goddard! If in May-June, when these large species of Mayflies are hatched, you will use this or similar pattern (OE Mohican Mayfly), you will be The King iof chub fishing who honor the "Matching The Hatch" laws!

SR Red Tag Retirer Sedge - Dry fly caddis in style Red Tag in combination with another very effective fly Coachman. Excellent summer dry fly, which can be successfully fish as well as sunken under the water surface.

Balloon Sedgehammer - Traditional great floating dry fly imitating adult caddis flies just laying eggs. Thanks to its well-visible foam head, it is also well suited to streams where you can catch active chub and dace! Of course, excellent in all color variants. Before I switched to my favorite and big terrestrial imitations, these flies were my favorite chub flies!

Tutty Fruity Klink - A tiny spring and autumn pattern in the popular Klinkhamer style. Very fine fly imitating emergers, maylies, in the summer perhaps small colorful flowers, which also chub love, and in the autumn lightly colored bigger chironomids. A necessary pattern for fine fishing and a period when chub are more cautious!

McPhail Bubble Wing Caddis Grannom B/L - Modern and faithful imitation of adult caddis in proven colors! Generally speaking, all the sedge patterns are great flies for chub fishing, but this has a style! ;-) Moreover, it is from the world-famous fly tier and so it fits in everything nicely! An excellent caddis dry fly in all sizes and color variants!

Really nice summer chub did not resist the big Goddard's Sedge. Big fly = big fish - Direct proportion often works in chub fishing! In next episode we look at the best wet flies that should not be missing in the fly box of any fly fisher who wants to be successful!
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