
Fly Fishing Basics

Articles for fly fishing beginners.

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How to wade safely in the river?

How to wade safely in the river?

Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Czechnymph (Czech Republic)
Basic information on safe wading in the river while fishing.
Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Catch and Release

Catch and Release

Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Czechnymph (Czech Republic)
Basic information on the application of the Catch and Release method in fishing.
Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Waders and their basic features

Waders and their basic features

Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Czechnymph (Czech Republic)
What are the features of good wading trousers for fishing?
Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Materials for waders

Materials for waders

Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Czechnymph (Czech Republic)
What are the most common materials for wading pants for fishing?
Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Stillwater Fly Fishing From A To Z

Stillwater Fly Fishing From A To Z

Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Ála Richie (Czech Republic)
A universal guide to stillwater fly fishing for trout, which traditionally contains absolutely everything you need to know about this increasingly popular fly fishing technique. You will learn the right techniques and tactics of fishing, the right fly fishing equipment and, of course, TOP stillwater flies for catching salmonid fish on commercial artificial but also natural still waters.
Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Ála Richie
Fly Fishing For Grayling - How To Catch Grayling

Fly Fishing For Grayling - How To Catch Grayling

Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Ála Richie (Czech Republic)
A universal guide to fly fishing for European river grayling, which contains everything you need to know about this favorite fishing theme "River grayling on the fly". You will learn the right fishing techniques & tactics, suitable fly fishing gear and the best flies for grayling fishing on the most European rivers and streams, where these beautiful fish species still occur naturally.
Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Ála Richie
Basic Equipment For Fly Fishing For Predatory Fish

Basic Equipment For Fly Fishing For Predatory Fish

Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Ála Richie (Czech Republic)
List of basic equipment needed for successful fly fishing for freshwater predatory fish!
Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Ála Richie
MUST HAVE Equipment For Dry Fly Fishing

MUST HAVE Equipment For Dry Fly Fishing

Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Ála Richie (Czech Republic)
List of MUST HAVE equipment needed for successful river and stillwater dry fly fishing!
Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Ála Richie
Red Tag

Red Tag

Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Bohumír Šumský (Czech Republic)
Red Tag - one of the most universal flies for trout, grayling and chub.
Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Bohumír Šumský
What is a Belly Boat?

What is a Belly Boat?

Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Bohumír Šumský (Czech Republic)
A short explanation of what a Belly Boat actually is.
Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Bohumír Šumský
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