In the previous two episodes we focused on fishing for chub active in the water column (wet flies) or directly at the surface (dry flies). These two methods are both parallel-use and combinable - when the chub are active below the surface will often react to wet flies in the column and vice versa. But in the 3rd episode we divert a bit and go near to river bottom with NYMPHS!

Fly fishing for coarse fish - CHUB - with NYMPHS is mainly a matter of autumn months or colder periods during the main fishing season of this fish. Of course, we will catch chub during nymphing on non-trout waters, even in the spring months, when we focus on fishing for roach or bream etc., but as the chub is defended until June 15th (in the Czech Republic), we will not talk about its targeted fishing before this date!
During the summer months we can fish with lighter nymphs drifted in the water column, for example, in combination with wet flies, where the nymph forms the point fly and descends faster to the river bottom and pull down two wet flies on the droppers! In this way, we will achieve a thorough catching of the entire water column! This method is great when we fish chub on larger rivers in slower and deeper pools!
Aktive nymphing near the river bottom is the best in the cold autumn and winter months, when there is not so much food in the water, so fish move down to deeper parts where searching for food on the bottom and feed on the larvae of the water insects! The main food component is nymphs of mayflies, caddisflies or midges (bloodworms)!
Of course, in nymphing, we can use all the techniques associated with nymph fishing on rivers. However, during the autumn period, the most effective method is the French Nymphing, which is very sensitive due to the fine French Leader. Coarse fish are no longer so aggressive in this period - rather the opposite - and the strikes are therefore very subtle - stopping a leader or a little tug.

KJ CDC Red Tag Jig - As described in previous episodes of chub fly fishing series, these fish love fly patterns that have distinctive and contrasting features such as a bright red, orange or pink tip or a longer tail. This nymph is an absolute "MUST HAVE" for anyone who wants to actively and efficiently fish chub with nymphs! The advantage is that this fly is also very effective when fishing for trout and grayling, so more reason to have it in the fly box!
KJ March Brown Jig - Thanks to its natural colors and used materials, the March Brown is a universal indispensable fly in both dry and wet designs. And of course even like a nymph! This golden-headed jig is another type of nymph that should not be missed in our box if we want to hunt successfully throughout the season.
Duracell Jig - Colorfully - in comparison to other designs - quite unconventional versions of the tungsten jig, but that's what makes this fly the real killer for coarse fish! Chub, dace, roach, bream and ide love this fly! In my experience, violet color is generally very attractive for fish. Complemented with silver tungsten head, distinctive ribbing and CDC hackles, the fish have no chance to resist such this fly pattern - especially in the autumn!
KJ Hot Orange Sighting Nymph - This nymph is not tied on the jig hook like previous patterns, but on a smaller wet hook with a short shank and a deep bend. Basically, it is a PTN variant with a fluo orange tungsten head, CDC hackles and a pearly back. This kind of fly combines elements of nymph (heavy head) and wet flies (wet hook, movable hackles), which is most appealing for chub! This type of nymph is particularly effective when fishing with wet fly in the water column as I described in the article text.
The French Nymph - This nymph does not need to be introduced and described! It have everything what the right chub nymph should have! It is dark, very subtle, with a contrasting red tip and is loaded with a tungsten silver head in suitable size! An ideal tiny nymph which I use all year round as a dropper fly when fishing for chub on coarse rivers!
March Brown Nymph - Traditionally tied nymph of march brown imitating larger larvae of Ephemeras carried by slow river stream through water column! Excellent classic nymph for the moments when we don't want to fish with super-heavy tungsten nymphs, but we want to come back in time to the times when these kinds of flies were enough for a nice fishing experience!
Flashback PTN - Small nymph tied on a small wet hook. Excellent for autumn cautious fine fishing, or for low summer water conditions. An excellent feature is the pearl back from tinsel, which reflects light rays and attracts shy or inert fish to the strike!
Sawyer's PTN - If the lines dedicated to March Brown Nymph sounded nostlagic, here is the effect only from the name of the fly! Pheasant Tail Nymph is the most original and simple classic fly which imitate ephemera nymphs! This nymph is year-round usable and it's efficiency 100% undeniable! In cases where you want to enjoy relaxing nymph fishing with traditional flies, PTN must never be missed in your box!