>Home>Articles>Other>FlyFishingPoint Picture Gallery Contest Ended!
FlyFishingPoint Picture Gallery Contest Ended!
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FlyFishingPoint Picture Gallery Contest Ended!

Category: Other Fly Fishing Articles | Author: FlyFishingPoint

Closure of our Picture Gallery Contest and announcement of the first prize and 14 lucky winners of the draw.

On Monday (31st of December 2012) the 8 weeks long picture gallery contest ended. We were really impressed by number and the quality of pictures you shared with us and other fellow fly fishermen...

In total we have received 283 fly fishing pictures in 28 galleries.

We would like to thank you all for the participation and we hope that you all enjoyed all the galleries & pictures the same way we did!!!

And now the important thing - prizes:

The overall winner for the best submitted picture gallery (selected by FlyFishingPoint following the criterias of chosen theme, quality and shown passion for flyfishing) is:

Uroš Kristan, Slovenia

Uroš wins the main prize Thinkfish Bold semi automatic reel

The winning picture gallery:


and the winners of the 13 prizes from the draw are as follows:

1: TomᚠHeczko, Czech Republic -  Guideline Fario Fly Rod 8' #2 4-piece

2: Karlo Pirc, Slovenia -  William Joseph Flux (waist bag)

3: Mario Giustacchini, Italy -  Fly Tying Organiser - Small

4: Ken McLean, Canada -  Mahagon Wood Fly Box Large

5: Vaclav Dvorsky, Czech Republic -  Mahagon Wood Fly Box Small

6: Edwin Jakob, Germany -  Secret Flies of the Czech and Slovak Fly-Tiers

7: Nikola Jovicic, Serbia -  C&F Design Waterproof Box 1655

8: Roman Mastný, Czech Republic -  Golden Nuggets Selection

9: Lindsay Simpson, United Kingdom -  Ally's Shrimps Selection

10: Alvaro Delgadillo, Mexico -  Patagonian Silver DVD

11: Shaun Chamberlain, United Kingdom -  Swedish Lapland - Vol. 1 Kaitum DVD

12: Stanislav Zucha, Czech Republic -  Bass: The Movie DVD

13: Milan Hladík, Czech Republic -  Chasing Silver DVD


We want to thank all participants for their contribution and expect that all posted galleries will bring many moments of joy when discovering them.

Posting new galleries of your passion which you want to share is always possible via *MY BOX - MY PROFILE - MY GALLERIES*.

All Shared Galleries can be found on the following address:


Discover FlyFishingPoint, Enjoy your Passion!

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