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FlyFishingPoint Picture Gallery Contest AND 20% discount on ALL FFP shop items
>Home>Articles>Other>FlyFishingPoint Picture Gallery Contest AND 20% discount on ALL FFP shop items

FlyFishingPoint Picture Gallery Contest AND 20% discount on ALL FFP shop items

Category: Other Fly Fishing Articles | Author: FlyFishingPoint

Submit your picture gallery and win COOL fly fishing prizes! The main price: Thinkfish Bold Reel (RSP value of 295 EUR)!Also benefit from 20% discount on ALL your purchases in FFP shop.

Post a picture gallery on FlyFishingPoint and win one of fifteen COOL PRIZES...AND... benefit from 20% discount on ALL your purchases in FFP shop till 31-12-2012.

The first price is :Thinkfish Bold Reel (RSP value of 295 EUR).

Apparantely there is a story in all of us - what's yours? Have you a range of photo*s from your lifetime fly fishing trip or just passionate moments that brought joy?...

Take part in FlyFishingPoint Picture Gallery Contest.

From all submitted galleries 14 winners will be drawn and one gallery will be selected by FlyFishingPoint for the main price.

The FlyFishingPoint Picture Gallery Contest's prizes are as follows:

Thinkfish Bold Reel (main prize 295 EUR)Guideline Fario Fly Rod 8' #2 4-pieceWilliam Joseph Flux (waist bag)Fly Tying Organiser - SmallMahagon Wood Fly Box Large, Mahagon Wood Fly Box SmallSecret Flies of the Czech and Slovak Fly-TiersC&F Design Waterproof Box 1655Golden Nuggets SelectionAlly's Shrimps SelectionPatagonian Silver DVDSwedish Lapland - Vol. 1 Kaitum DVDBass: The Movie DVDChasing Silver DVDFlyfishing Europe DVD.

Easy participation, only two steps needed!

Step 1: Registration on FlyFishingPoint:

Step 2: Post your picture gallery via My Box - My Profile (-Edit my profile)- My Galleries. (Below address only for Logged in FlyFishingPoint members):

Post your pictures now to have a chance to win the great fly fishing products!


Contest rules:

a) Galleries posted on FlyFishingPoint between 1-11-2012 and 31-12-2012 will be participating. Only fly fishing or fly tying theme will be considered. Each Gallery must consist of at least  5 pictures.

b) In first week of January 2013 the winners will be announced.

c) From all posted galleries FlyFishingPoint will select 1 photo gallery for the major prize *Thinkfish Bold Reel* following the criterias of: choosen theme/quality and shown passion for flyfishing.

d) From all remaining posted galleries 14 winners will be drawn. (Each picture gallery will be included in the draw but only 1 prize can be won by registered  FlyFishingPoint member).

f) Prizes are not to be reimbursed or resent to FlyFishingPoint.

g) The outcome of the activity is final and  not to be contested.

h) FlyFishingPoint Passionate Team Members are excluded from the contest.


20% Discount on all purchases in FFP shop till 31-12-2012:

a) After posting a gallery (cf. contest rules) on FFP , ... FFP will sent you a personal email confirming your 20% discount in FFP shop till 31-12-2012.

b) After you have received the FFP personal will see (via your log-in) all prices in FFP shop automatically with 20% discount.


All Shared Galleries can be found on the following address:

Discover FlyFishingPoint, Enjoy your Passion!

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