In this article, I have prepared for you a detailed description of individual fly hooks from the world-famous fly fishing brand Fulling Mill - famous mainly for the world's largest production of high-quality fishing flies for all fly fishing methods and techniques . For individual types of hooks, I will focus mainly on their primary use with regard to the different types of flies that can be tied on them, as well as on fishing techniques but mainly on the fish species that we will fish for on these flies/hooks.
Fly Tying Hooks are the most basic fly tying material for making an effective fishing fly, because we tie on the fly hook an individual tying materials, which slowly creates a specific fly pattern. When choosing the right and quality fly hook, we must consider several very important aspects, which include mainly the type of hook and its size, sharpness of the tip, the presence or absence of a barb, the strength of the wire, which is directly related to its total strength and weight it also includes material of wire of the hook, the color and, for example, its manufacturer, which is often a very decisive factor, which is mainly influenced by the overall quality, fame and, of course, the price of the hook. Also very important is the "mission" or primary purpose of using the hook - in other words - what fly we will actually tie to it and how big and how much fighting fish we want to fight on it without damaging it - bending, breaking - and so the loss of our catch.
The English company Fulling Mill produces, from my point of view and my experience, very high quality fly hooks for all fly fishing techniques. For Fulling Mill, these hooks are made by the famous Japanese company Hayabusa, which is well-known for producing high quality and sharp fishing hooks for all fishing methods. From the point of view of our complete offer of fly hooks on CzechNymph, I still honestly do not understand why Czech fly fishermen do not use these great fly hooks more and prefer their "Czech" competitors. Fulling Mill offers a complete range of fly hooks for complete fly fishing for salmonid and coarse fish on running and still waters, and in addition it has special types of hooks for alternative fly fishing methods - carp, predatory and saltwater and other exotic fish.
But what is crucial? Fly tying hooks from Fulling Mill are absolutely unbeatable in price/performance ratio - hard steel is used for their production, the tips do not blunt, or deform in any way. The hooks hold their shape, in contrast to competing hooks - when the flies are stored correctly - they are basically not subject to corrosion and you can therefore rely on them as much as possible. These are all fundamental reasons why I started using these hooks exclusively for my flies a few years ago (as you may have noticed in my other articles and galleries) and I will be very happy to guide you on the same path in this article! ;-)
So let's take a closer look at the individual types of hooks, which we divide clearly into groups that correspond to the categorization of hooks in our offer - this is logically based on the main purpose of use for which a particular type of hook was made.
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Jig Force BL: The high-quality barbless jig hook with a sharp and inwardly curved eagle-clawed tip is ideal for threading tungsten heads of various diameters and designs. Great for tying modern jig nymphs in the style of French nymphs with a tungsten bead, etc. Design: Black Nickel. Size range: 8 - 18.
From my point of view: A very high-quality jig hook, which I personally use exclusively for tying my tungsten jigs/nymphs for fishing in running waters. MUST HAVE for everyone who likes to tie tungsten nymphs and fish on rivers and streams using nymphing techniques. In larger sizes (8-10) it is possible to tie on smaller trout and perch Jig Streamers with tungsten beads, which fall on the head, thus reducing tearing on the bottom. Sharp tip, which does not blunt due to bending, large bend, hook wire is very strong.
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Jig Force Long BL: Barbless jig hook with extended hook shank - extended version of the previous type. This type of jig hook is especially suitable for tying Jig Streamers with a longer body (Wolly Bugger, thin imitations of small fish, etc.) or longer jig nymphs - for example, imitations of cased caddis larvae or stonefly nymphs. This type of hook is suitable for tungsten beads from size 2 - 5.5 mm. Design: Black Nickel. Size range: 8 - 16.
From my point of view: An ideal hook for everyone who ties longer types of tungsten nymphs or jig versions of trout, chub and perch streamers. However, it is more of an additional type of hook, to which you will attach a few patterns of specific jig flies with an extended body. The qualities are the same as the previous type.
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Jig Force Short BL: The last type of jig barbless hook from the production of Fulling Mill. This time, however, it is not a typical jig hook, but rather a classic wet hook with a bent hook shank just in front of the hook eye, just like the HENDS BL154 or DOHIKU HDN 302 SP hooks have. In addition, this type of hook is made with a short shank and a bigger depth of the bend, which certainly helps to catch the fish! Design: Black Nickel. Size range: 10 - 20.
From my point of view: Great type of nymph/jig hook mainly for tying smaller patterns of nymphs with a short body, but also wet flies with tungsten beads - in the style of various spiders, etc. It is possible to tie stillwater buzzers and loaded nymphs with a tungsten head , which perfectly stretch the leader during static vertical fishing on still water - controversial stillwater technique called BUNG Fishing.
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Czech Nymph BL: Barbless "gammarus" hook suitable mainly for tying classic Czech Nymphs, but also stillwater pupae of midges, and other river and lake nymphs such as various traditional Beadhead Nymphs with a rounded body. The tip is slightly bent to the arch, which leads to less frequent catching of the fly to the bottom. Design: Bronze and Black Nickel. Size range: 10 - 16 for both color variants.
From my point of view: A very successful shrimp hook for traditional loaded imitations of freshwater shrimps, water hog-louse, caddisflies and tying of Czech Nymphs and subsurface caddis pupae or stillwater Shuttlecocks. The big advantage is the double color design - traditional Bronze or modern Black Nickel - so each fly tier chooses its favorite color variant!
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Grab Gape BL: An interesting type of universal fly hook, which is suitable for tying a wide range of river and lake patterns of flies. You can tie straighter shrimps or rounded river tungsten nymphs such as Hare's Ear, as well as lake nymphs such as Diawl Bachs, Pheasant Tail, various types of nymphs (Damsel Nymphs) and traditional wet flies and Dabblers. Design: Bronze and Black Nickel. Size range: 8 - 16 for both color variants.
From my point of view: A universal kind of nymph hook for river and stillwater patterns. Personally, I really like to tie small and simple tungsten nymphs with a bead and a body made of hare mask dubbing. However, the hook is also excellent for wet flies, both for running and still waters. Again, a double color design - traditional Bronze or modern Black Nickel, which is great. Personally, I prefer Black Nickel both - here and in the previous type of Czech Nymph Hook.
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Super Heavyweight Grub: This type is a traditional heavy rounded stillwater nymph hook, excellent mainly for tying heavy Epoxy Buzzers or heavy imitations of river shrimps and Czech Nymphs. It is made of strong and heavy wire with a sharp point and barb, which can be easily crushed with a pean or the jaws of a fly tying vice with no problems. If that's not enough for someone, there is also its pointless version, which is called the Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Heavyweight Grub BL. However, this variant is not a 100% identical hook. This one is not so rounded and has a longer tip. However, the wire is just as strong. Design: Bronze and Black Nickel in both versions. Size range: 8 - 16 for both color variants and versions.
From my point of view: I use rather traditional variants with a barb, which I press barb myself (the difference is really insignificant). I really like this kind of hook, especially for lake patterns of buzzers and various pupae, Hare's Ears and PTNs. The hook also suits me in terms of wire strength, which hold all really big fish. I use it both for trout flies and for patterns for large carp. The hook fits very well in the fish's mouth, is not subject to corrosion and is practically indestructible! One of my favorites for big fish hunting!
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Nymph BL: Universal rounded nymph/pupa hook with use also in tying dry flies as the Klinkhamer and Parashutes type. But it is ideal mainly for patterns of subtle and lighter lake chironomids, curved nymphs with a bead head, but also Czech Nymphs or Shuttlecocks for fishing on still water. Design: Bronze. Size range: 10 - 16 for both color variants and versions.
From my point of view: With this type of hook, it could be said that it is only a light variant of the previous type and apart from small nuances (slight differences in individual sizes for both types), this is actually true. Personally, I use this hook to tie lake buzzers from seal fur and subsurface Shuttlecocks with CDC feathers. Thanks to the weaker strength of the wire and lower weight, it is perfect for patterns that stay below the surface and do not fall through the water column as fast as flies tied to the heavier Super Heavyweight Grub version.
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Nymph BL: A barbless version of a traditional nymph hook with a longer hook shank and a narrower bend. This type of hook is ideal for tying classic river and lake nymphs with a longer body imitating damsel, stonefly, cased caddis and mayfly nymphs. However, it is also suitable for smaller and finer patterns of trout, chub and asp streamers. This hook also exists in a version with a barb and is called the Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Nymph Special. However, this type of hook with a barb is made of a weaker wire and the hook bend is a bit narrower. However, its use is the same as its barbless version. Design: Bronze and Black Nickel only in BL version. Size range: 8 - 16 for both color variants and versions.
From my point of view: I personally use this type of hooks mainly in the barbless version of its largest sizes for tying ideally bigger trout streamers such as Woolly Buggers and imitations of various minnows and other small fish for fishing large chub, asp and perch. In sizes 8 and 10, the hook is very strong with a sufficiently wide bend and a long sharp point! Ideal hook for larger nymphs (Mafly, Dragon Fly), medium-sized streamers and lake lures with a longer body imitating fish fry (Appetiser, Ace Of Spades, Sweeney Tod, Sparklers, Floating Fry, etc.).
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Competition Heavyweight: Heavy wet/lake hook made of thick wire (similar to Super Heavyweight Grub) suitable for tying a wide range of wet and stillwater fly patterns from nymphs and wet flies to lures and smaller streamers. Very reliable and strong hook. It is also available in a barbless design as the Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Competition Heavyweight BL. The shape and depth of the hook gap in this BL version is similar, only the tip of the point is slightly longer. Design: Bronze, Black Nickel in both versions, Silver - only the classic version. Size range: 8 - 16 for Bronze and both BL versions. Classic Silver 8 - 10 and Black Nickel classic variant 10 - 12.
From my point of view: Another big favorite of mine, I can say that this is my TOP hook, which I prefer to use for tying the vast majority of stillwater nymphs, straight epoxy buzzers, wet flies, and smaller streamers. It is a very strong and robust hook with a sharp and hard tip that will never disappoint. Ideal for heavier flies that fall faster through the water column. Both versions are very successful, but personally I still prefer the Bronze classic, where I press the barb myself with forceps. I would appreciate a smaller size difference between size 10 and 12 - I would imagine a slightly larger size 12 - a relatively large jump from 10.
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Short Shank Special: A great hook with a deep bend made of a weaker round wire, thanks to a sufficiently deep bend, it is absolutely ideal for tying Blobs, stillwater lures, nymphs and large dry and wet flies, Sparklers and Booby Nymphs. This type of hook also exists in a barbless design called the Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Short Shank BL. The shape and depth of the bend in this BL version is similar, the tip of the tip is longer, higher wire strength. Design: Bronze, Black Nickel in both versions, Silver - only the classic version. Size range: 6 - 16 for Bronze and both BL versions. Classic Silver 6 - 10 and Black Nickel classic variant 8 - 12.
From my point of view: Also my favorite hook especially for Blobs, Booby Nymphs, Sparklers and medium-sized nymphs. The classic variant with a barb comes to me - compared to other Fulling Mill hooks - a bit fragile. The barb breaks when pressed and when the fly is incorrectly dried, the hook in the bend corrodes and cracks. Personally, I like this type very much, but thanks to the mentioned factors, the reason for which I do not fully understand, from my point of view it is the "most unstable" hook.

Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill All Purpose Medium & Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill All Purpose Light: Very versatile and similar types of wet/dry hooks, to which all types of river and lake flies can be tied except streamers and lures. The lighter version (Light) is suitable for tying dry flies, light nymphs, subsurface wet flies and Shuttlecocks, the heavier version (Medium) is great for similar purposes, in addition, it is more stable and more reliable when catching larger fish. Design: Bronze for both versions. Size range: Light 8 - 20, Medium 8 - 16.
From my point of view: Since I have never had weak and light hooks in love, I mainly use the Medium version for stillwater Shuttlecocks and subsurface nymphs or wet flies. In terms of shape, these are relatively traditional hooks with a longer hook shank and a medium-deep bend, so they are perfect for various types of nymphs such as Hare's Ear (HE) and Pheasant's Tail (PTN), but also for dry caddisflies. A great and maximally universal type of fly tying hook.
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Ultimate Dry BL: Barbless dry fly hook primarily intended for tying most dry flies such as caddisflies, mayflies, beetles and other light dry flies. Lightweight, but still strong enough, thanks to quality wire. In addition, the tip of the hook is bent towards the shank, so it fits perfectly in the fish's mouth - much better than hooks with straight points. Design: Bronze, Black Nickel. Size range: 12 - 20.
From my point of view: Universal barbless dry fly hook ideal for all traditional and modern patterns of dry caddisflies, mayflies, etc. I could imagine it in sizes 8 and 10 for tying larger dry flies, but Fulling Mill has not happened yet, so I have to use other types of hooks eg on my favorite Terrestial patterns imitating terrestrial insects.
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Down Eye Dry: Traditional dry fly hook designed for tying all kinds of dry or lighter wet flies. Ideal hook for dry caddisflies, mayflies, duns, spiders, fluffy flies, traditional wet flies, straight Shuttlecocks, etc. Design: Bronze. Size range: 10 - 18.
From my point of view: Again, this is a universal dry fly hook with a barb, which is not a problem to press with a forceps. Maximum suitable for all traditional and modern patterns of dry and wet flies. Ideally, it is available from size 10 on larger dry flies. It excels with a sharp pointed tip and even though it is made of a weaker wire - due to its lower weight - it is very strong and reliable, which is its main advantage!
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Traditional Streamer: As the name suggests, this is a really traditional streamer hook with an extended shank and a medium deep bend. The hook is designed for tying classic UK and US types of streamers - Wolly Bugger, Zonkers, Grey Ghost type streamers and other traditional patterns imitating a small fish. Great for traditional imitations of long-bodied sandworms for sea trout fishing on the coast of Denmark. Design: Bronze. Size range: 4 - 12.
From my point of view: Regular Old School type of hook for tying "nostalgic flies" :-) Honestly, the constitution of this type of hook is for today's purposes and looking at the offer of all possible types and shapes of hooks is a bit out. Long shank(eg size 4 is already extremely long) + medium deep gap. On the one hand, such a long shank is no longer too strong (it may be subject to bending) and further causes a large lever when fighting the fish, so it is more likely - in conjunction with a shallow bend- that the fish will get rid of the hook. I used to tie trout Zonkers and Woolly Bugers to this type, today I use the already mentioned hook Nymph Hook BL exclusively for this purpose.
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Pike: Hook for tying really big pike and generally predator streamers and surface Poppers. It excels with a very sharp tip and great strength, which is most important when fighting large and heavy fish. The size range is really varied, thanks to which you can tie smaller perch and zander/large trout streamers on this type of hook, through medium pike and zander zonkers and imitations of fish to really large pike, catfish and taimen big big streamers! Design: Black Nickel. Size range: 1/0 - 6/0.
From my point of view: High quality traditional pike/predator streamer hook. I would appreciate a more flattened diameter than the round one in which it is made. Hayabusa makes this flattened version on the hooks for smaller trout streamers, and in my opinion it fits in the hard mouth of the predator much better than this! Anyway, it's a great reliable hook to the extreme - for really big fish!
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Streamer Stripper: Very strong and maximally durable streamer/saltwater hook with a deep bend coated with a layer of Teflon. It is also resistant to salt water and is excellent for all types of streamers designed for catching fish predators. Ideal for Clouser Deep Minnow flies, in smaller sizes it will also be great for imitations of sea shrimps or for tube flies intended for salmon fishing! Design: Titanium. Size range: 1 - 2/0.
From my point of view: Excellent streamer/saltwater anti-corrosive hook for predator and sea fish streamers in larger sizes, in smaller versions excellent for shrimp intended for popular sea trout fishing on the Danish coast. Maximum durability and extremely sharp hook for harsh conditions!
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Bonio Carp BL: Extra sharp hook with an extra large bend specially made for tying carp flies, with which they are caught from the surface - breadcrust and close copy dog biscuit popular in the UK. The hook is coated with Teflon, so it is very durable and also has a maximally sharp and pointed tip, thanks to which the catch into the fish's mouth fits really well! The hook also exists in a version with a barb: Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Bonio Carp. Design: Black nickel. Size range: 8 - 10.
From my point of view: A successful type of very specific hook with a maximally sharp tip bent upwards towards the hook shank. Personally, I use this hook to tie my favorite streamers of the AR UV Flash Fish type, for which the hook with a deep bend and a short shank is absolutely great.
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Living Larva: An interesting type of "nymph" hook with a wider use even when tying flies such as Klinkhammer, Skating Caddis or imitations of long larvae of mayflies and sedges. It is also excellent for tying elongated imitations of chironomids and Schuttlecocks for stillwater fishing. Design: Bronze. Size range: 12 - 16.
From my point of view: A strange type of hook, but I personally like it very much and I tie to it just the slightly different species of chironomids pupae for fishing for stillwater trout. After a certain time, the fish are quite used to the classic shapes (curved or straight) of nymphs, and it is possible to successfully surprise them with flies on this hook! The only thing I would change is the depth of the gap/bend, which I would increase and maybe add size 10.
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Magic Circle Hook: Very interesting and original round hooks for tying buzzers and other lake nymphs, which are fished statically - vertically under the strike indicator. The tip is intentionally designed so that the fish automatically hook itself when counter-moving when taking the fly. Design: Black Nickel. Size range: 6 - 10.
From my point of view: These hooks were created in UK in an effort to streamline the static method of fly fishing from a boat, the so-called BUNG Fishing, where a set of 3 nymphs is cast together with an upper floating foam fly (in the UK it is possible to fish for 4 flies / hooks) and fish it is then indicated by the sinking of the BUNG fly. In our conditions, these hooks can be used mainly for very unpopular for me - and overall about a bit controversial, although now very boom stillwater technique of fishing - with "Dandelion" or "fly-float" (Terms used in Czech) methods, which is similar to the English BUNG Fishing, only with a large and well visible CDC indicator fly.
Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Straight Eye Midge: Great light and very tiny hook for really small dry flies of the Midge type - small emergers and adults, or and other small patterns of flies for fishing careful wild trout and grayling. Despite its smallness, the hook is very strong and will hold even really big fish. Design: Bronze. Size range: 18 - 22.
From my point of view: With very small imitations of emergers and adults of midges tied on this specific type of hook are fished large brook trout in Iceland, or in the USA in the winter on rivers just during the hatching of these small midges. Personally, I have no practical experience with this hook, because it's made in sizes designed for really miniature flies, which fortunately I was never forced to use when fishing! :-)