Location | Czech Republic |
Category | Fly Tying, Flies, Products, Technique |
In the next part of my series "At The Vice", I have prepared another fly tying step by step instructions for one of my most successful tungsten river nymph. Original tungsten jig nymph pattern AR Orange Tip River Killer in all its beauty in step by step from start to finish!
In the next part of my series "At The Vice", I have prepared another fly tying step by step instructions for one of my most successful tungsten river nymph. Continue
In the next part of my series "At The Vice", I have prepared another fly tying step by step instructions for one of my most successful tungsten river nymph. Original tungsten jig nymph pattern AR Orange Tip River Killer in all its beauty in step by step from start to finish!
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FlyFishingPoint s.r.o.
Mariánské náměstí 805/13, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav
Czech Republic
