Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Comp Heavyweight Black Nickel BL

Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Comp Heavyweight Black Nickel BL Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Comp Heavyweight Black Nickel BL, No 6, 50 pcs
Buy: Fly Tying Hook Fulling Mill Comp Heavyweight Black Nickel BL
Code Size Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: FM509506 Size: No 6, 50 pcs Unit price: 9,9 EUR Stock: 5 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: FM509508 Size: No 8, 50 pcs Unit price: 9,9 EUR Stock: 3 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: FM509510 Size: No 10, 50 pcs Unit price: 9,9 EUR Stock: 4 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: FM509512 Size: No 12, 50 pcs Unit price: 9,9 EUR Stock: 2 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: FM509514 Size: No 14, 50 pcs Unit price: 9,9 EUR Stock: 3 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: FM509516 Size: No 16, 50 pcs Unit price: 9,9 EUR Stock: 3 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

This is the ultimate stillwater barbless hook and a barbless version of our hugely popular Competition Heavyweight barbed hook.

Critically, a size 10 exactly fits inside the International Rules Loch Style size limit.

This is the real multipurpose stillwater hook, in the smallest sizes (16 - 14) this hook is ideally suited to smaller nymphs and dry flies, Sizes 10 and 12, the key stillwater sizes, a myriad of patterns from Blobs and Boobies to Buzzers and Diawl Bachs can be tied.

And, in the largest sizes of 6 and 8 it is ideally suited to larger stillwater lure patterns like fry patterns, snakes and Humungous patterns. Patterns to use with this hook: Blobs, FABs and Boobies, Buzzers, Crunchers and Diawl Bachs, Dry Flies and Wet Flies

Design: Black Nickel
Size range: 6 - 16

Producer: Fulling Mill
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