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Universal Trout Streamer For Rivers & Lakes - Fly Selection

Universal Trout Streamer For Rivers & Lakes - Fly Selection Universal Trout Streamer For Rivers & Lakes - Fly Selection - 20 flies
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Buy: Universal Trout Streamer For Rivers & Lakes - Fly Selection
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Code: CNFS_UTS Unit price: 40,0 EUR Stock: 17 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

An excellent fly selection of universal trout streamers effective and usable all year round on all rivers and still waters and lakes. If you like fishing for large trout on various types of streamers, you should definitely not miss this collection in your equipment.

Streamers are tied in the most attractive color variants for brown trout, rainbow trout and brook trout, but with great success you can possibly catch large chub , perch and asp in non-trout waters.

In this indispensable set you will find 20 flies tied on high-quality hooks from the popular Czech brand Hanák Competition! 10 very efficient universal trout streamers of 2 pieces of each type. All streamers are stored in a medium-sized thin box, which is very practical for its dimensions and thus fits comfortably into any larger pocket in your vest, chest pack or fly fishing jacket!

Producer: Czech Nymph
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