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Fly Fishing Set - Stillwater & Streamer

Fly Fishing Set - Stillwater & Streamer Fly Fishing Set - Stillwater & Streamer
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Buy: Fly Fishing Set - Stillwater & Streamer
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Code: FS_SWS Unit price: 489,0 EUR Stock: Shipping: unavailable -+

The most universal fly set is intended for all beginners who want to start fishing on a fly on still waters, as well as fishing with a streamer on a larger trout and non-trout rivers.

This lake/streamer set is also ready for anyone who doesn't want to spend a lot of money on huge complete equipment for a start!

Thanks to this set, which we have prepared mainly for fly fishing beginners, you will discover all beauties of stillwater fly fishing and streamer fishing as soon as you first cast a set of lake flies on some nice still water, or strip a streamer through a deep river pool and strike your first big fish!

This our set offers an excellent price-quality ratio, while everyone will find absolutely everything they need to start fishing successfully on still waters with dry flies and buzzer, nymphs and wet flies on a floating line, or with attractors flies on the intermediate and sinking line, or intends to streamer on the big river trout, big chub, asp and other predatory fish!

A balanced combination of individual products will help everyone to successfully and easily catch stillwater and river trout, as well as other fish species inhabiting trout and non-trout waters!

If you have long decided to start stillwater fly fishing or heavier river streamer fishing and have been thinking about what to buy for these fishing styles, you can fully trust us! Everything is ready for you in our universal fly fishing set.

Fly Fishing Set - Stillwater & Streamer includes:

  • Four-piece Fly Rod Hanak Competition Stillwater X in AFTMA 7 category, in lenght of 9.6 feet - 290 cm.
  • Stillwater Fly Reel Hanak Competition Lake with 3 plastic spare spool in size 68.
  • Fly Line Floating Cortland 333 TROUT Classic All Purpose WF #7.
  • Fly Line Intermediate Cortland 444 INTERMEDIATE Classic WF #7.
  • Fly Line Sinking Cortland 333 FULL SINKING TYPE 3 Classic WF #7.


Producer: Czech Nymph
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