Location | Czech Republic |
For this period I prepared for you another fly tying serial, this time my favorite Czech Nymph named AR Orange Back Beige Grayling Killer! Czech nymphs went - in a time of huge boom of tungten nymphs - somewhat in the background, but the one who remained faithful to them knows that they are still very effective, especially on the waters that are regularly visited and fished just by the various goldenhead tungsten nymphs and fish are already quite resistant and the most used patterns are literally ignored by fish! With my nymph today, I remembered the beautiful times of my fly fishing youth, where many years ago I fished my first large grayling on my favorite river with this original pattern. Previously, there was no other way to get to the bottom to the fish faster and more efficiently than using large and heavily loaded Czech nymphs! AR Orange Back Beige Grayling Killer is a very effective imitation of caddis larvae usable on all flowing waters when fishing grayling, trout and coarse fish! Try it and tie this pattern with my Step By Step fly tying gallery with a description of each step! ;-)
For this period I prepared for you another fly tying serial, this time my favorite Czech Nymph named AR Orange Back Beige Grayling Killer! Czech nymphs went - in a time of huge boom of tungten nymphs ... Continue
For this period I prepared for you another fly tying serial, this time my favorite Czech Nymph named AR Orange Back Beige Grayling Killer! Czech nymphs went - in a time of huge boom of tungten nymphs - somewhat in the background, but the one who remained faithful to them knows that they are still very effective, especially on the waters that are regularly visited and fished just by the various goldenhead tungsten nymphs and fish are already quite resistant and the most used patterns are literally ignored by fish! With my nymph today, I remembered the beautiful times of my fly fishing youth, where many years ago I fished my first large grayling on my favorite river with this original pattern. Previously, there was no other way to get to the bottom to the fish faster and more efficiently than using large and heavily loaded Czech nymphs! AR Orange Back Beige Grayling Killer is a very effective imitation of caddis larvae usable on all flowing waters when fishing grayling, trout and coarse fish! Try it and tie this pattern with my Step By Step fly tying gallery with a description of each step! ;-)
Our Shop
FlyFishingPoint s.r.o.
Mariánské náměstí 805/13, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav
Czech Republic
