Location: Czech Republic,
Zbirožský brook between Podmokelský mill and Skryjska lake.
Location: Czech Republic,
Fishery 423 015 - Hejlovka 1 P is a small trout fishery in Vysočina belonging to the Pelhřimov fishing union.
Location: Czech Republic,
Pictures from fishing on the Litávka River above the confluence with the Berounka River in Beroun.
Location: Czech Republic,
Jelenka 1 is a small trout fishery belonging to MO Klatovy.
Location: Czech Republic,
The Úhlava in Janovice nad Úhlavou is part of the trout fishery 433 054 ÚHLAVA 7.
Location: Czech Republic,
Teplá in Březová is a part of the trout fishery Teplá 1.
Location: Czech Republic,
Photo gallery from the Teplá 1 trout fishery in the upper part of Karlovy Vary from the park above the ...
Location: Czech Republic,
Pictures from the Hejlovka 1P trout fishery in the vicinity of the Route 112 road bridge.
Location: Czech Republic,
The section with a special regime on the trout fishery Vltava 29 P in Loučovice certainly belongs to ...
Location: Czech Republic,
The Vltava 28 between Vyšší Brod and Rožmberk is an iconic Czech trout area great for fly fishing.