Location | Czech Republic |
Pictures from fishing with foam flies on Berounka river below Beroun (Czech Republic).
Hot summer days are ideal for using foam flies especially for fishing for chubs. The flies are essentially unsinkable and maintenance free (compared to conventional dry flies made from natural materials) and fishing these flies will often persuade the biggest chubs in the area!
Pictures from fishing with foam flies on Berounka river below Beroun (Czech Republic). Hot summer days are ideal for using foam flies especially for fishing for chubs. Continue
Pictures from fishing with foam flies on Berounka river below Beroun (Czech Republic).
Hot summer days are ideal for using foam flies especially for fishing for chubs. The flies are essentially unsinkable and maintenance free (compared to conventional dry flies made from natural materials) and fishing these flies will often persuade the biggest chubs in the area!
Pavel Adamovský

Our Shop
FlyFishingPoint s.r.o.
Mariánské náměstí 805/13, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav
Czech Republic
