Location | Czech Republic |
Probably every fly fisher has already tried fly fishing for trout on small still waters. In the Czech Republic we have a couple of such trout stagnat waters. Probably the most famous place is system of trout ponds/dams in Polička town named "Přehrady Pod kopcem" and in this place where many years ago - mainly thanks to the traditional anual fly fishing competition "Polička's Fly" - it first started to develop and shape fly fishing for trout on still waters in the Czech territory according to examples and rules coming mainly from world-famous English trout still waters. And although the views of local fishermen on the overall level of this place and the quality of fishing here can be very different, of course, it is still an important Czech fishing destination, mainly because we can boldly call it the cradle of lake fly fishing in the Czech Republic! So, thanks to my new gallery, let's take a look together at the legendary ponds PK1 and PK2 during the spring, autumn and winter months of the active fly fishing/trout season. I will be very pleased if the photos from this gallery motivate you to an early fishing trip and when reading my "hunting observations" in the picture descriptions will serve as useful clues for the most successful fishing on small still waters with trout! ;-)
Probably every fly fisher has already tried fly fishing for trout on small still waters. In the Czech Republic we have a couple of such trout stagnat waters. Continue
Probably every fly fisher has already tried fly fishing for trout on small still waters. In the Czech Republic we have a couple of such trout stagnat waters. Probably the most famous place is system of trout ponds/dams in Polička town named "Přehrady Pod kopcem" and in this place where many years ago - mainly thanks to the traditional anual fly fishing competition "Polička's Fly" - it first started to develop and shape fly fishing for trout on still waters in the Czech territory according to examples and rules coming mainly from world-famous English trout still waters. And although the views of local fishermen on the overall level of this place and the quality of fishing here can be very different, of course, it is still an important Czech fishing destination, mainly because we can boldly call it the cradle of lake fly fishing in the Czech Republic! So, thanks to my new gallery, let's take a look together at the legendary ponds PK1 and PK2 during the spring, autumn and winter months of the active fly fishing/trout season. I will be very pleased if the photos from this gallery motivate you to an early fishing trip and when reading my "hunting observations" in the picture descriptions will serve as useful clues for the most successful fishing on small still waters with trout! ;-)
Our Shop
FlyFishingPoint s.r.o.
Mariánské náměstí 805/13, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav
Czech Republic
