Location | Czech Republic |
Stillwater fly fishing targeting for salmonids is becoming increasingly popular fishing discipline spreading around the world. In our conditions (The Czech Republic), this method of fly fishing is practiced mostly on private reservoirs or ponds, especially in spring and autumn months, when we have the best conditions for fly fishing on still waters. In the hot summer (June - August), when both air and water temperatures are highly increasing, most fly fishermen logically avoid fishing for trout on standing waters and direct their fishing steps towards other fish and associated fly fishing techniques. But what if there are those who like challenges, want to make fishing a bit harder and even in this hot and sunny time is the hunting desire for big trout from some kind of still water, be it a dam, lake or pond? If there are similar enthusiasts (fuels) like me ;-) this gallery with practical tips could at least help them with satisfaction of their hunting desire!
Stillwater fly fishing targeting for salmonids is becoming increasingly popular fishing discipline spreading around the world. Continue
Stillwater fly fishing targeting for salmonids is becoming increasingly popular fishing discipline spreading around the world. In our conditions (The Czech Republic), this method of fly fishing is practiced mostly on private reservoirs or ponds, especially in spring and autumn months, when we have the best conditions for fly fishing on still waters. In the hot summer (June - August), when both air and water temperatures are highly increasing, most fly fishermen logically avoid fishing for trout on standing waters and direct their fishing steps towards other fish and associated fly fishing techniques. But what if there are those who like challenges, want to make fishing a bit harder and even in this hot and sunny time is the hunting desire for big trout from some kind of still water, be it a dam, lake or pond? If there are similar enthusiasts (fuels) like me ;-) this gallery with practical tips could at least help them with satisfaction of their hunting desire!
Our Shop
FlyFishingPoint s.r.o.
Mariánské náměstí 805/13, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav
Czech Republic
