Location | Czech Republic |
Already in the third insight into my fly box, this time I will focus on my favorite and very versatile trout streamers! I write universal, because changing the size or the color combination, we can also use them for other species of predatory fish such as perch, zander, pike, asp or chub, for which there is no need to devise other special patterns, as we can build on these concepts! I deliberately chose such patterns that can be used for fishing on rivers and still waters! As in previous galleries, I tried again to describe the advantages and use of each streamers, along with a description of a suitable fly tying material. I will be very pleased if this gallery will serve you as an inspiration or as a good guide at the fly tying vice! ;-)
Already in the third insight into my fly box, this time I will focus on my favorite and very versatile trout streamers! I write universal, because changing the size or the color combination, we can al ... Continue
Already in the third insight into my fly box, this time I will focus on my favorite and very versatile trout streamers! I write universal, because changing the size or the color combination, we can also use them for other species of predatory fish such as perch, zander, pike, asp or chub, for which there is no need to devise other special patterns, as we can build on these concepts! I deliberately chose such patterns that can be used for fishing on rivers and still waters! As in previous galleries, I tried again to describe the advantages and use of each streamers, along with a description of a suitable fly tying material. I will be very pleased if this gallery will serve you as an inspiration or as a good guide at the fly tying vice! ;-)
ochutnávku z mé říční nymfové krabičky a snad - pro většinu z Vás - i vázací inspiraci pro nadcházející muškařskou sezonu! U každého vzoru jsem se snažil popsat výhody a využití každé mušky a také i použitý vázací materiál, který přidává na její účinnosti a atraktivitě pro ryby! Ovšem kdyby Vám toto úplně nestačilo, můžete se v blízké budoucnosti těšit na mé nové vázací seriály "U svěráčku", kde si budeme pravidelně znázorňovat a jasně popisovat krok za krokem zrod celé mušky!Our Shop
FlyFishingPoint s.r.o.
Mariánské náměstí 805/13, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav
Czech Republic
