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Spectra Dubbing Box Hends Mix 12 Dark Colors

Spectra Dubbing Box Hends Mix 12 Dark Colors Spectra Dubbing Box Hends Mix 12 Dark Colors
Buy: Spectra Dubbing Box Hends Mix 12 Dark Colors
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Code: SDD_02 Unit price: 21,9 EUR Stock: 2 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

Spectra Dubbing is a great and irreplaceable synthetic dubbing material with high iridescent shine. Even a very small amount of this material significantly influences the effectiveness of our flies. Spectra Dubbing is good to add to common, especially natural dubbings, or we can use it separately as distinctive starters in the form of "hearts" and the thorax of all kinds of nymphs and still water lures, or the colorful buts of caddis dry flies. In short, it is an ideal fly tying and very distinctive material for making all kinds of trigger points. We can also replace some natural materials, such as peacock herls! This Dubbing Box contains 12 dark colors.

Producer: Hends
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