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The Sieldutjakka River, Sweden
>Home>Articles>Destinations>The Sieldutjakka River, Sweden

The Sieldutjakka River, Sweden

Category: Fly Fishing Destinations | Author: Lubbe Ferrysson

A description of the Sieldutjakka River in Sweden.

the Author & the Sieldutjakka River

The Sieldutjakka River flows in the Arjeplog Municipality of the Norrbotten County. It starts in the lake Jurun about 10km north of the European highway 95 (the Swedish Silverway) and discharges into the lake Vuoggatjolme after 35 km. The entire course runs parallel to highway 95. It is an intermediately sized river that is only accessible from the road at the beginning and at the end after a 10km walk-in. Most of the river is set aside for fly fishing, but no special permit is needed. Access to the upper part is by a trail from the parking lot at the lake Kuoletisjuare. Right at the river, there is a tourist lodge and bridge. Access to the lower part is by a trail starting at the lake Tjaktjaure. Again, at the river there is a tourist lodge and bridge. The trail along the river follows the north bank, under the polar birch trees which grow along the entire river. A permit is best bought in the tourist information center in Arjeplogu, and is valid for the entire municipality, not just Sieldutjakka.

The river can be divided into three parts. In the upper approx. 12 km, from lake Jurun to the canyon, rapids and pools alternate and the river is easily waded. The first few kilometers of the river bottom are covered by grey deposits from the Jurun glacier. Trout up to 1 kg can be found here, although most are only about 30-35cm in length. Good places to camp are just below the lodge and right above the canyon, where there are striking views of the mountains and glaciers.

The second part is from the canyon to the lower bridge. Except for the last kilometer above the bridge, the current here is slower, rapids are shorter, and pools longer and deeper. The banks around the pools are very overgrown and wading is difficult. There are bigger trout, though, up to 2 kg. A good place to camp is at the inlet of the tributary Baukuljakka to the river.

The third part is from the lower bridge to lake Vuoggatjolme. Here the river meanders, with many pools and short rapids. Fish also swim up from the lake, so in addition to nice trout, it’s possible to catch arctic grayling and whitefish. A good place to camp is around the tourist lodge.

On the way to the river

Chest waders certainly make fishing easier, but hip waders can be used as well. Rods up to ATFMA 5 with floating lines are perfectly sufficient. For the deep pools it’s enough to use a sinking leader (polyleader). In light of the water color, a fluorocarbon tippet is useful. The river contains the wonderful hatching brown mayfly, Ephemera vulgata, as well as stoneflies and caddisflies. Among dry patterns one should include the Streaking Caddis, CH Sedge, Lumme’s Nalle Puh and the Royal Coachman Fan Wing, while among nymphs the Gold Ribbed Hares Ear. The Swedish Superpuppa, from tier Berqvist, is also successful.

This is not a river for amateurs or fishermen used to comforts. A good tent, warm sleeping bag, warm clothes and camping stove are essential. It can freeze at night and snowstorms can be encountered even in summer. Because of the clean water the fish are wary, and some sections are quite overgrown. But the fishing and scenery are exquisite.

There are many lakes in the surrounding mountains which contain trout and char. This is high-mountain fishing, since the lakes can lie at elevations up to 1000 m. We’ll return to this subject in the future.

A good map is a necessity – the best is the Swedish mountain map (Fjallkartan) Vuoggatjolme-Kvikkjokk 1:1000000.

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