Flies for Fly Fishing

Articles about fly patterns - description, how to fish them and other fly fishing tips.

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At the Vice - Rhyacophila Barbus Tungsten Nymph

At the Vice - Rhyacophila Barbus Tungsten Nymph

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Ála Richie (Czech Republic)
For this edition of “At the Vice” I have chosen one of my favorite river fly patterns designed for barbel. It is a type of fly meant to imitate the natural food of the fish we are hunting. In this case that means a free living caddisfly larva – Rhyacophila.
Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Ála Richie
Dan’s Sausage

Dan’s Sausage

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Pavel Adamovský (Czech Republic)
Fly Tying tip for a killer buzzer pattern for stillwaters.
Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Pavel Adamovský
At the Vice - The BeadHeart Cactus

At the Vice - The BeadHeart Cactus

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Ála Richie (Czech Republic)
For this next episode in our fly tying series, I have chosen my absolutely favorite wet fly...
Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Ála Richie
Fly fishing with bling for pike!

Fly fishing with bling for pike!

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Simon Graham (Finland)
A lot of purists out there might frown upon the idea of having accessories like propeller blades, rubber jigging worms & even tiny spinner blades attached to their fly, & would class them more a lure than a fly.
Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Simon Graham
At the Vice - Gentle Sparkler

At the Vice - Gentle Sparkler

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Ála Richie (Czech Republic)
This time I've decided to show you a fly for year-round use, which is very typical and favored for lake fishing in England.
Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Ála Richie
The Baetis Imitation Tried and True

The Baetis Imitation Tried and True

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Michael Snody (United States)
As a fly fisherman , I 'm always in search for that notable fly.
Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Michael Snody
At the Vice – The Grey Knight – Zonker streamer

At the Vice – The Grey Knight – Zonker streamer

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Ála Richie (Czech Republic)
For my first article in the “At the vise” series, I chose my favorite streamer pattern. It is an imitation of a small wounded and escaping fish, so the materials used are natural and thus represent ideal natural food for a predator.
Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Ála Richie
Cove Pheasant Tail

Cove Pheasant Tail

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Stephen Parton (United Kingdom)
Arthur's original concept of this fly was to use it sacrificially as a weight on the end of a long leader - the intention being to concentrate on fishing a couple of smaller buzzer pupae on droppers at different heights in the water column.
Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Stephen Parton
Baltic Musky Flies

Baltic Musky Flies

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Simon Graham (Finland)
As with Pike, Musky rely heavily on their lateral lines to detect subtle vibrations given off by heir prey.
Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Simon Graham
Lackawanna River -  Dynamic Duo

Lackawanna River - Dynamic Duo

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Hank Hewitt (United States)
Winter tying sessions for me always start with reflections of various days of my early fly casting formation, spent in the Lackawanna River, with a fly rod and flies, where the fish have bested my every attempt to engage them in battle...
Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Hank Hewitt
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