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TOP 2 Flies For Warm Summer Evenings

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing | Author: Pavel Adamovský

For dry fishing during warm summer evenings two universal flies are enough - Rockerka and Foam bug.

On hot tropical days, the ideal time to fish is either early morning or late afternoon and evening. The latter part of the day has several advantages. First, one does not have to force oneself out of bed or stress about still having to go to work after fishing. Just be on the water around 6 p.m. and there are still plenty of experiences to be had until dark. And the best part about summer fly fishing is that often the most successful method is dry fly fishing. And that's on both trout waters and flowing non-trout waters.

For success on dry flies during the warm summer months, we make do with a minimum of tackle, and this also applies to fly selection. Today I'll introduce you to my two favorite dry fly patterns that I use with success on evening fishing during the increasingly frequent tropical days.


Roza's Rock Chick B/L (Rockerka)

A notorious fly that needs no introduction. It has great floating properties and like all CDC flies is ideal for a fine presentation on the surface. But beware, a Rockerka that is already heavily fished and doesn't swim as much will also work well. You can also try pulling the fly down after it hits the surface and fishing it wet.

Foam bug

Beetle Hi-Vis Black Foam

Compared to the delicate Rockerka, the Foam Bug is a fly that is both more visible and more loud when it hits the surface - just what you want for fishing for chubs or brown trouts close to river bank. It's great to see thanks to both its more robust dark silhouette and its red indicator, which is a big advantage especially if your eyesight works less well in twilight like mine... And as far as floating properties go, foam flies are basically unsinkable.

As I mentioned, during the summer I like to fish places close to the banks, where both the Rockerka and the Foam bug will provoke fish even when they're not actively raising to the surface.

Equipment and flies for summer evening fishing with dry flies:

Rod: Leichi Skyhigh 8.4ft, AFTMA 3 or any other fine rod for dry fishing
Line: Cortland 444 floating line
Tippet: Stroft GTM
Fly: Rockerka and Foam Bug

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