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>Home>Articles>Flies>Flies Of CzechNymph Ambassadors - Pink Head Grey Heron Tungsten Jig
Flies Of CzechNymph Ambassadors - Pink Head Grey Heron Tungsten Jig
>Home>Articles>Flies>Flies Of CzechNymph Ambassadors - Pink Head Grey Heron Tungsten Jig

Flies Of CzechNymph Ambassadors - Pink Head Grey Heron Tungsten Jig

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing | Author: Michal Rypl

For many fly fishers, the winter season is a time to replenish their fly boxes throughout the season. I have prepared a fly for you that I like to use in this cold season. If nature allows, I always use the time to go to the water.

Pink Head Grey Heron Tungsten Jig

This pattern is tied on a size 16 hook H400BL and the reason for choosing that size hook is to target river coarse fish.

The hook has a finer curve than, for example, the H450BL, and I find it much more suitable for coarse fish fly fishing. The tail is made of Cock de Leon material. The trigger point on the butt of the fly is made of blue pearlscent flat tinsel. Ribbing for the sake of greater attractiveness can be a raspberry-colored Quill Body, or a silver wire is enough. The body is made of several rays from a heron wing feather or other light gray wing quills. The thorax is made from Spectra Dubbing in color 45. Head: a 3 mm pink tungsten bead will quickly reach the bottom of the fly. Tied with gray UNI thread 8/0.

The fly works very well when leading in the current, or when ascending the water column from the bottom to the surface at the end of the pool.

I wish you strong threads at the vise and tight lines on the water! If the fly brings you a nice fish, I will only be happy if you share the photo with me, e.g. on my Facebooku or Instagram!

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