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Spey Casting

Spey Casting

Category: Fly Fishing Techniques
Sandy Forgan (United Kingdom)
There aren't many places in the world that are synonymous with a particular style or method of fishing; but there can be few salmon anglers who are not aware of, or aspire to be proficient at, Spey casting.
Category: Fly Fishing Techniques
Sandy Forgan
Elements to Assess Fly Rods

Elements to Assess Fly Rods

Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Sandy Forgan (United Kingdom)
This brief set of paragraphs is intended to help you to choose the fly rod.
Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Sandy Forgan
Elements to Assess Fly Reels

Elements to Assess Fly Reels

Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Sandy Forgan (United Kingdom)
This brief set of paragraphs is intended to help you to choose the fly-fishing reel.
Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Sandy Forgan
Elements to Assess Fly Lines

Elements to Assess Fly Lines

Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Sandy Forgan (United Kingdom)
This brief set of paragraphs is intended to help you to choose the fly line.
Category: Fly Fishing Basics
Sandy Forgan
Miss Ballantine and the 64-pound Tay Salmon

Miss Ballantine and the 64-pound Tay Salmon

Category: Other Fly Fishing Articles
Sandy Forgan (United Kingdom)
A story about a record which has not been exceeded as a rod-caught salmon in Scotland.
Category: Other Fly Fishing Articles
Sandy Forgan
River Fishing Changes

River Fishing Changes

Category: Other Fly Fishing Articles
Sandy Forgan (United Kingdom)
In river fishing, there have been several fairly consequential changes in recent years in Scotland...
Category: Other Fly Fishing Articles
Sandy Forgan
The Impact of 'Reservoir Style' Fly-Fishing

The Impact of 'Reservoir Style' Fly-Fishing

Category: Other Fly Fishing Articles
Sandy Forgan (United Kingdom)
Traditional Scottish 'loch-style' fly-fishing, from free-drifting boats, has changed and continues to change with each passing season...
Category: Other Fly Fishing Articles
Sandy Forgan


Category: Other Fly Fishing Articles
Sandy Forgan (United Kingdom)
Catch-and-release developed in North America but spreaded fast on the other side of the ocean.
Category: Other Fly Fishing Articles
Sandy Forgan
Small Water Methods

Small Water Methods

Category: Fly Fishing Techniques
Sandy Forgan (United Kingdom)
Basic tactics for trout in small waters.
Category: Fly Fishing Techniques
Sandy Forgan
Top Trout Traditional-Style Flies

Top Trout Traditional-Style Flies

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Sandy Forgan (United Kingdom)
Fly recommendation for Scottish traditional style by Sandy Forgan.
Category: Flies for Fly Fishing
Sandy Forgan
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