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Ephemeridae Nuptialis Volatus: Mayflies On Their Honeymoon

Ephemeridae Nuptialis Volatus: Mayflies On Their Honeymoon Ephemeridae Nuptialis Volatus: Mayflies On Their Honeymoon in English
Buy: Ephemeridae Nuptialis Volatus: Mayflies On Their Honeymoon
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Code: RM_ENV Version: English Unit price: 45,0 EUR Stock: 7 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: RM_ENVN Version: Germany Unit price: 45,0 EUR Stock: 2 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: RM_ENV Version: English Unit price: 45,0 EUR Stock: 7 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

This work presents 49 artificial imitations of duns, spinners, and spents of Italian, European, and North American ephemera. Each tying step is illustrated with pictures and descriptions.

29 Different tying techniques are used to make the wings, hackles, and bodies of the artificial flies. Some of the techniques used are published here for the first time. The dressings included in the book are accompanied by 51 photographs of subimagos and imagos.

The first part of the book analyzes the theory of the “Fundamental characteristic” and how it relates to the alarm level of fish. Indeed, it is a determining feature to consider when choosing materials and tying techniques.

Content: Dressings of dry flies, floating ephemera for all waters (small, medium, and large streams, valley and plain rivers, springs and lakes), based on the principle of the “fundamental characteristic” in relation to the level of alarm felt by fish. Classic, modern, and combined tying methods with illustrated steps. Description of the conditions best suited to each dressing, advice, and anecdotes on their use.

This is the first book of the new series "Superfly"

Read HERE preview of the book.

Producer: Fly Line Ecosistemi Fluviali
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