CDC Evolution

CDC Evolution CDC Evolution in English
Buy: CDC Evolution
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Code: RM_CDCE Version: English Unit price: 48,0 EUR Stock: 2 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: RM_CDCF Version: French Unit price: 48,0 EUR Stock: 2 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: RM_CDCI Version: Italian Unit price: 48,0 EUR Stock: 2 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

This book illustrates 49 incredibly effective models created using new tying techniques, new materials and most importantly the Cul de Canard, which is employed in the most sophisticated ways.

The models reworked are 49 of the strongest classic patterns. For every fly, a series of high-resolution photos illustrates each step of the tying process and accompanies the explanations.

The Cul de Canard is introduced only where its characteristics are in harmony with the traditional model chosen. This is done to better the effectiveness of the model and its simplicity of use. Some models are exclusively in Cdc.

Read HERE preview of the book.

Producer: Fly Line Ecosistemi Fluviali
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