UV Clear Fly Finish Loon Outdoors Thick

UV Clear Fly Finish Loon Outdoors Thick UV Clear Fly Finish Loon Outdoors Thick (1/2 Oz)
Buy: UV Clear Fly Finish Loon Outdoors Thick
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Code: F0098 Unit price: 22,9 EUR Stock: 3 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

UV Clear Fly Finish is for those who believe "five minutes to cure is five minutes too long".

No mixing or waiting is required, and it remains workable until exposed to direct sunlight or Loon’s UV Bench Light or UV Infiniti Light, at which point it will cure in a matter of seconds.

  • Original UV-curing resin
  • Allows infinite work time
  • Cures instantly when exposed to UV light
  • Cures hard and clear
  • Includes brush applicator

Apply Fly Finish to fly while indoors or shaded from the sun Apply resin to desired area Exposed to sun light or use Loon's UV Mini Lamp or UV Power Light to cure. In direct sun (or when using Loon's UV Lights) hardening should take approximately 15 seconds.

Producer: Loon Outdoors
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