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Tying Euro Nymphs and Other Competition Favorites

Tying Euro Nymphs and Other Competition Favorites Tying Euro Nymphs and Other Competition Favorites
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Code: SB_TEN Languague: English Unit price: 42,0 EUR Stock: Shipping: June 2025 -+

We apologize for the delay – unfortunately, the supplier has extended the delivery time. The book will be in stock at the beginning of June. Thank you for your understanding.

We are accepting pre-orders for the book, which will be available for delivery in Europe during Spring 2025!

Perhaps no other area in fly fishing has experienced as much sensation, and growth, as “Euro Nymphing.” This term, which is actually not the most accurate but has been the one that has stuck, describes a broad category of nymphing (fishing flies under the water as opposed to on top of the water) techniques from around the world—Czech, Polish, Spanish, French, as well as American—brought to the forefront by the rise of fly fishing competitions. This pioneering fly tying book focuses on teaching the most popular patterns in this category and includes approximately 15 flies with over 350 full-color tying steps.

Tim Cammisa's newest book featuring over 30 full fly recipes in the book. Of the 30, 15 include step-by-step high-quality macro photography. There are also 5 confidence flies listed for over 30 of the best anglers in the world, the likes of Devin Olsen, Howard Croston, Tom Rosenbauer, Luboš Roza and more. The fly patterns include not only today's best nymph patterns, but chapters on dry flies for dry-dropper, jig streamers, and flies everyone loves to hate...junk flies!

Producer: Stackpole Books
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