Squirrel Dubbing Dohiku

Squirrel Dubbing Dohiku Squirrel Dubbing Dohiku Grey
Buy: Squirrel Dubbing Dohiku
Code Color Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: DSQ_G Color: Grey Unit price: 6,5 EUR Stock: 3 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: DSQ_BR Color: Brown Unit price: 6,5 EUR Stock: 10 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: DSQ_OL Color: Olive Unit price: 6,5 EUR Stock: 4 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

Great fly tying material, which is very difficult to replace due to its composition and color tinting.

It is most often used to create thicker thorax of nymphs and larvae, but it can also be combined with other natural or synthetic materials, making it possible to make whole bodies of artificial flies of all types!

Producer: Dohiku
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