

Eshop: Specialty flies that match the natural but highlighting trigger points making them irresistible to fish.
Eshop: A superb dry Hawthorne pattern with a realistic extended body, use it when natural Hawthorne's get blown onto the water.
Eshop: A superb dry, use it when large dark naturals get blown onto the water.
Eshop: Adult Alder flies are an important early season food source for trout usually during May-June, they are poor flyers and often ...
Eshop: A sharp and good scissor is the most important tool on every fly tiers table. These quality scissors belongs to the very best.
Eshop: A slightly curved pair of tying scissors that will do everything except wear out.
Eshop: A small heavy dark nymph that have proved highly effective when stalking clear water fisheries for large Trout.
Eshop: A classic Salmon Pattern dressed on a double hook for enhanced hooking ability and improved action.
Eshop: Custom cleats to provide extra in-stream traction when paired with the G4 PRO Powerlock Boot.
Eshop: The original Whiting feathers called American Streamer Pack are an excellent solution for all tyers who like to tie traditional ...
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