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>Home>Fly Fishing>Fly Tying Materials & Tools>Dubbing Boxes>Peacock Dubbing Box Hends Mix 12 Colors

Peacock Dubbing Box Hends Mix 12 Colors

Peacock Dubbing Box Hends Mix 12 Colors Peacock Dubbing Box Hends Mix 12 Colors
Buy: Peacock Dubbing Box Hends Mix 12 Colors
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Code: PED_BOX01 Unit price: 21,9 EUR Stock: 5 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

Peacock dubbing is a synthetic imitation of peacock feathers - especially those colors we find on the tail feathers of a peacock. Excellent dubbing that we can use alone or add to other dubbings. With this product, manufacturers have also tried to bring the colors of peacock feathers as close as possible.

Producer: Hends
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