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Magnetic Net Keeper Guideline

Magnetic Net Keeper Guideline Magnetic Net Keeper Guideline
Buy: Magnetic Net Keeper Guideline
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Code: GD73006 Unit price: 21,9 EUR Stock: 3 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

A magnetic net keeper with 3 kg pulling strain. It will hold your net secure when you are stumbling around the river or lake.

Magnetic net keeper with high pulling force. This great accessory will help you keep the landing net on your back until you need it when you're picking up a fish you've caught.

Magnetic net suspension is the easiest type to use.

This has 3 kg tensile strength and holds the net well. Fastens with the spring ring in the D-ring at the back of the jacket or waders. It is easiest if you let the net handle hang down to access the net without hassle.

  • 3 kg tensile strength.
  • Double spring rings.


Producer: Guideline
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