Rods rated 3 to 5- weights are equipped with snake guides and lightweight reel-seats with beautiful wooden inserts. Rods rated for 6-weight lines and above feature single leg, hard-chrome guides and our tough Guideline aluminum reel-seats in a gun-smoke fi nish. High quality cork is selected for the handles. All stripping guides used on LPXe rods have Hardloy inserts for ultimate durability. All rods come in a tough rod tube and with a cloth bag.
LPXe 763 | 7’6” | #3 | 4-piece
This is a great little rod for delicate work in intimate small streams where a stealty approach and short range presentations is the norm.
LPXe 864 | 8'6" | #4 | 4-piece
A lightweight and well balanced rod capable of superb presentations and tons of feel good fishing for the angler who likes chasing trout and grayling with dries and nymphs.
LPXe 904 | 9' | #4 | 4-piece
A new development in the LPXe range, this rod has become an instant favorite among the "inner" Guideline circle of trout fishermen.
LPXe 905 | 9' | #5 | 4-piece
A crisp and precise action built into a wonderful rod for those trout fishers who want a true 5-weight feeling. World Class!
LPXe 906 | 9' | #6 | 4-piece
A real all rounder. This rod is a great choice for trophy trout hunters, monster rainbow chasers or maybe for those seeking the challenge of Arctic Char in Greenland.
LPXe 967 | 9'6" | #7 | 4-piece
A lightweight reservoir rod, which will handle a great diversity of lines and flies. This rod is extensively used on the coast for Seatrout and sea bass, plus it would be great for boat and float tube fishing.
LPXe 1006 | 10' | #6 | 4-piece
A very versatile rod for lakes, reservoirs and medium size rivers. With an action considered a little on the fast side, it carries long lines, generates high line speed and has a great connection between the tip and handle.
LPXe 1007 | 10' | #7 | 4-piece
This rod has a deep, smooth action making it wonderful Rainbow trout rod for reservoirs and lakes as well as a great light Steelhead rod.
LPXe 1008 | 10' | #8 | 4-piece
This is a powerful rod with a medium fast, deep action, capable of a wide variety of casts, plus the toughness to handle mean fish and ugly flies. A great choice for pursuing Steelhead in smaller rivers creeks where the power to turn fish is vital.