Fly Tying Kit Veniard Starter Pack

Fly Tying Kit Veniard Starter Pack Fly Tying Kit Veniard Starter Pack
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Buy: Fly Tying Kit Veniard Starter Pack
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Code: STARTFTK Unit price: 66,9 EUR Stock: 2 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

A comprehensive starter kit complete with fly tying vice, tying tools, fly tying hooks, natural and artificial materials and instruction booklet!

With feathers, furs and both modern chenille’s and synthetics, enough materials to satisfy any fly tyer.

There is a lot of in this kit to satisfy the keen beginner and established tyer alike. It is ideal for any level of experience, in all areas of the craft.

Supplied in a smart plastic box. All you need to start tying flies!

Producer: Veniard
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