Fly Tying Hook Dohiku Loads ZSB BL

Fly Tying Hook Dohiku Loads ZSB BL  Fly Tying Hook Dohiku Loads ZSB BL, 5 g, 5 pcs
Buy: Fly Tying Hook Dohiku Loads ZSB BL
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Code: ZSB_5 Weight & Quantity: 5 g, 5 pcs Unit price: 4,2 EUR Stock: 5 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

Dohiku special barbles weight hooks are used for tying special super heavy nymphs hooks that imitate cased caddis larvae - peeping caddis. Irreplaceable for situatuin when is a strong current in the river, or you want to get your flies to the bottom of the deepest pools!

Producer: Dohiku
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