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Fly Reel Waterworks Lamson Liquid Max Tidal

Fly Reel Waterworks Lamson Liquid Max Tidal Fly Reel Waterworks Lamson Liquid Max Tidal 6
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Buy: Fly Reel Waterworks Lamson Liquid Max Tidal
Code Size Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: LQM6REEL-TIDAL Size: 6 Unit price: 319,9 EUR Stock: Shipping: 2 wk -+
Code: LQM8REEL-TIDAL Size: 8 Unit price: 369,9 EUR Stock: Shipping: 2 wk -+
Code: LQM10REEL-TIDAL Size: 10 Unit price: 389,9 EUR Stock: Shipping: 2 wk -+

Nobody Likes a Bully. Anyone who says this hasn’t experienced the new Liquid Max, a bully and a beast of a reel.

Liquid Max features our Cobalt Drag System: a fully U.S.-made, stop-anything drag system with proprietary Teflon alloy drag cone, Carbon PEEK thrust washers, custom self-lubricating seals and a Certified IPX8 waterproof rating.

We’ve housed this drag in a pressure cast and machined frame and spool, with features that include Ultra Large Arbor, integrated reel foot and pocket spar frame and spool design that maximizes strength-to-weight ratio.

Top it off with a large, easy grip drag knob you have a reel that will change your mind about bullies.


  • Cobalt Drag System: US made, Certified IPX8 waterproof, Proprietary Teflon alloy drag cone, Carbon PEEK thrust washers, Custom self-lubricating seals
  • Ultra large arbor ratios
  • Integrated reel foot
  • Large, easy grip handle and drag knob
  • Pocket spar frame and spool design-increased strength to weight
  • Pressure cast and machined frame/spool
Item Diameter Width Weight Rod AFTMA Fly Line Capacity
Liquid Max 6 108 mm 25 mm 198 gr WF 6 - 7 WF6 150 yds 20#
Liquid Max 8
117 mm 25 mm 227 gr WF 8 - 9 WF8 250 yds 20#
Liquid Max 10 127 mm 28 mm 255 gr WF 10 - 11 WF10 250 yds 30#

Producer: Waterworks Lamson
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