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Fly Line Streamer MAXX Hanak Competition

Fly Line Streamer MAXX Hanak Competition Fly Line Streamer MAXX Hanak Competition WF6F/I/S3
Buy: Fly Line Streamer MAXX Hanak Competition
Code AFTMA & Type Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: HCSM6_S7 Type & Colour: WF6F/I/S7 Unit price: 69,9 EUR Stock: 1 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: HCSM6_S3 AFTMA & Type: WF6F/I/S3 Unit price: 69,9 EUR Stock: Shipping: unavailable -+

Moder fly line for streamer fishing.

This fly fishing line is made in the UK for Hanak Competition. Gentle braided and non-pulling core for precise flies offering and a secure fit.

Three color design - olive floating running, green intermediate head 3 m + extra fast sinking (17 cm/s) black 5 m tip. It drops in line thanks to a combination of 3 differently sinking and totally balanced materials, so you have a constant direct contact with the flies.

Extra-quality floating running with a very smooth and slippery surface for easy and long casts. Teflon and other special additives preserve the softness of the cord even in cold weather.

Design: WF6F/I/S3 – 200 grains & WF6F/I/S7 – 200 grains

Color: Olive/Green/Black

Length: 27.5 m

Producer: Hanak Competition
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