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Fly Fishing Set - Hanák Competition Wave Nymph Start

Fly Fishing Set - Hanák Competition Wave Nymph Start Fly Fishing Set - Hanák Competition Wave Nymph Start AFTMA 3
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Buy: Fly Fishing Set - Hanák Competition Wave Nymph Start
Code Size Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: FS_HCW4 Size: AFTMA 4 Unit price: 249,0 EUR Stock: 1 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: FS_HCW Size: AFTMA 3 Unit price: 249,0 EUR Stock: Shipping: unavailable -+

The perfect fly fishing set that will help anyone who wants to immediately start with river nymphing and does not want to spend a lot of money with complete equipment!

Thanks to this set that we have prepared for fly fishing beginners, you will discover the beauty of the fly fishing immediately as soon as you first cast your flies to the river current!

This set offers an excellent price-quality ratio and everybody finds everything what needs to start nymphing successfully on his favorite river and stream!

A balanced combination of individual products will help everyone with success and very easy to catch river trout, grayling, but also chub, barbel and other river fish!

If you have long been determined to start river nymphing and wonder what you can buy for this style of fly fishing, trust us! Everything is ready for you in our special fly fishing set Wave Nymph Start!

The Wave Nymph Start Fly Set includes:

  • Four-piece fly rod Hanák Competition Wave AFTMA 3 or 4 category, in lenght of 9.6 feet - 290 cm.
  • Lightweight and durable fly reel Hanák Competition Wave in size 46.
  • Fly Line Floating Hanak Competition Wave WF3F or WF4F.
  • A small collection of tungtsten nymphs - The ideal set of nymph patterns for your first nymphing steps!
  • Backing line Hanák Competition 100 m.
  • Tappered knotless mono leader Hanák Competition Czech Nymph 4.5 m.
  • Monofilament leader Stroft GTM with a diameter of 0.14 mm and a length of 50 m.
Producer: Czech Nymph
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