Location: Czech Republic,
Pictures from the 2015 season opening on Střela stream, Czech Republic.
Location: Czech Republic,
Beuatifull trout stream near Karlsbad in Western Bohemia, Czech Republic.
Location: Czech Republic,
The trophy part on the river Mže near Plzeň (Czech Republic) was closed due to economical reasons.
Location: Czech Republic,
Pictures from the trip to upper Otava river, Czech Republic.
Location: Czech Republic,
Pictures from the spring trip to a lovely Czech stream Střela near Rabštejn nad Střelou (officially the ...
Location: Sweden,
Picture gallery from this year trip to Kaitum River, Sweden.
Location: Czech Republic,
Pictures from Christmas fishing in North Bohemia, River Upa, Czech Republic.
Location: United Kingdom,
Pictures from 2013 Hanák Competition European Grayling Festival in Wales.
Location: Georgia,
Pictures of the River Snostskali in Caucasus, Georgia.
Location: Sweden,
Pictures of some salmon pools on Byske river in Sweden. Apologies if my spelling of the local names is not fully correct.