Category: Fly TyingPavel Adamovský (Czech Republic)
Location: Czech Republic,
Patterns tied by Sam Piekar to his article Special Nymph Loads.
Location: Russian Federation,
Pictures from the fly fishing stretches on Moscow river near Moscow (city) in Russia.
Location: Czech Republic,
Pictures from small stream fly fishing at Trnavka, Czech Republic.
Location: Czech Republic,
Divoká Orlice (Czech Republic) in the vicinity of Potštejn lies on the trout fishery Orlice Divoká 3. ...
Location: Czech Republic,
Photo of the Zbirožský brook near Podmokelský mill. Zbirožský brook is a small trout area on the border ...
Location: United Kingdom,
A picture gallery of fly fishing on the Draycote Water reservoir in central England.
Location: Czech Republic,
Trnava in Želiv is about 700 m long stretch of small river between the weir in Želiv and confluence of Trnava and Želivka rivers.
Location: Czech Republic,
November fly fishing in a small river Svatava, Czech republic.
Location: Czech Republic,
Summer urban fly fishing on the regulated stream called Botič, Prague, Czech Republic.
Location: Czech Republic,
Pictures from Olympus Tought outdoor camera testing.
Olympus Tough - Official site