Location | Czech Republic |
Category | Fly Tying, Flies, Products |
Keep up with the modern fly fishing and learn more about the synthetic materials "Squirmy Legs" and "Worm Bodies" produced by well-known UK company FlyBox and Veniard. We give you some ideas what Squirmy Wormy patterns to tie from FlyBox Squirmy Legs or Veniard Worm Bodies.
Keep up with the modern fly fishing and learn more about the synthetic materials "Squirmy Legs" and "Worm Bodies" produced by well-known UK company FlyBox and Veniard. Continue
Keep up with the modern fly fishing and learn more about the synthetic materials "Squirmy Legs" and "Worm Bodies" produced by well-known UK company FlyBox and Veniard. We give you some ideas what Squirmy Wormy patterns to tie from FlyBox Squirmy Legs or Veniard Worm Bodies.
Our Shop
FlyFishingPoint s.r.o.
Mariánské náměstí 805/13, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav
Czech Republic
