Location | Slovenia |
Photo gallery from the very successful early spring expedition of our ambassador and excellent competitive fly fisherman Vojta Ungra with his friends to Slovenia for big rainbow trout, mysterious marbel trout and stout graylings! The most used techniques for catching salmonids there are mainly French nymphing with one heavy nymph, which is a great tactic for catching big grayling and rainbows. Another very effective way of fishing for large marble and rainbow trout is streamer fishing with an imitations of small fish - sculpins, minnows or small trout. Enjoy viewing the photos in this gallery and think about whether it wouldn't be nice to go to Slovenia - for example next spring!
Photo gallery from the very successful early spring expedition of our ambassador and excellent competitive fly fisherman Vojta Ungra with his friends to Slovenia for big rainbow trout, mysterious marb ... Continue
Photo gallery from the very successful early spring expedition of our ambassador and excellent competitive fly fisherman Vojta Ungra with his friends to Slovenia for big rainbow trout, mysterious marbel trout and stout graylings! The most used techniques for catching salmonids there are mainly French nymphing with one heavy nymph, which is a great tactic for catching big grayling and rainbows. Another very effective way of fishing for large marble and rainbow trout is streamer fishing with an imitations of small fish - sculpins, minnows or small trout. Enjoy viewing the photos in this gallery and think about whether it wouldn't be nice to go to Slovenia - for example next spring!
Our Shop
FlyFishingPoint s.r.o.
Mariánské náměstí 805/13, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav
Czech Republic
