Location | Czech Republic |
Nowadays, "urban fishing" is already a modern and popular trend in all fishing techniques. Fly fishing again keeps pace with other methods, so if you've ever thought about it, you should definitely try it! Despite the initial embarrassment you may find that this fly fishing method even has its mysterious spell and you will often be surprised at how many fish in the city's rivers are! Just get ready for frequent and wondrous queries by passers-by, LOL ;-)
Nowadays, "urban fishing" is already a modern and popular trend in all fishing techniques. Fly fishing again keeps pace with other methods, so if you've ever thought about it, you should definitely tr ... Continue
Nowadays, "urban fishing" is already a modern and popular trend in all fishing techniques. Fly fishing again keeps pace with other methods, so if you've ever thought about it, you should definitely try it! Despite the initial embarrassment you may find that this fly fishing method even has its mysterious spell and you will often be surprised at how many fish in the city's rivers are! Just get ready for frequent and wondrous queries by passers-by, LOL ;-)
Our Shop
FlyFishingPoint s.r.o.
Mariánské náměstí 805/13, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav
Czech Republic
