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Fishing in Grayling Paradise

Fishing in Grayling Paradise Fishing in Grayling Paradise
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Code: BDL_EN Version: English Unit price: 17,9 EUR Stock: 3 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

These fishing stories from the years 2001-2010 are related to a 17.5 km long section of the Warm Vltava river from the confluence with Grassy Vltava in Lenora to the confluence with the Cold Vltava near a lonely place called Smolná Pec in the Šumava Mountain range (Czech Republic).

The book contains twenty stories complemented with 50 coloured photos on 168 pages of A5 format on chalk paper. Stories come from the Vltava (Moldau) river and its neighbourhood. Photos of nice fish are not missing and this all is complemented with 45 photos of favourite flies which are mentioned in the book. It is such a small Bible of grayling fishing in the Šumava Mountains and it also contains author´s fisherman´s testament.

Pages: 168
Format: A5 (152 x 215 mm)
Photographs: 50 coloroued photographs of the Vltava river and its surroundings + 42 photographs of flies

Preview of the book in pdf file (3,3 MB)

Producer: Grayling & Trout Publishing
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