Eye Candy Streamer

Eye Candy Streamer Eye Candy Streamer, Size 6
Buy: Eye Candy Streamer
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Code: FM972306 Size: hook 6, length 7 cm Unit price: 3,5 EUR Stock: 7 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

The Eye Candy is a small version of a Surf Candy, so named as the small baitfish fry often look like a swimming eye.

Effective on everything from Sea Trout to Kahawai to Pacific Yellowtail Kingfish, the Eye Candy is best fished on long leaders as light as you dare. Large predators often key into a size of prey, and this pattern is a must-have when the fish are feeding on 'eyes'.

Still getting refusals? Try lengthening your leader and a flourocarbon tippet.

Producer: Fulling Mill
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