Dyneema Tying Thread Veniard

Dyneema Tying Thread Veniard Dyneema Tying Thread Veniard 110 Dennier
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Buy: Dyneema Tying Thread Veniard
Code Size Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: VDT_110 Size: 110 Dennier Unit price: 4,9 EUR Stock: 3 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: VDT_220 Size: 220 Dennier Unit price: 4,9 EUR Stock: 10 pcs Shipping: promptly -+


Genuine Dyneema thread, Very strong split thread, great for all fly tying. Warning this product is a multi strand thread and will split very easily. Dyneema tying thread is the worlds ultimate thread for tying fly patterns of all sizes. Use it for #28 midges to large streamer flies. Dyneema is only available in white and can be dyed with permanent marker pens for Matching the Hatch.
Producer: Veniard
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