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>Home>Fly Fishing>Fly Tying Materials & Tools>Dubbing Boxes>Dubbing Set Tommi-Fly Natural Dubbing Mi ...

Dubbing Set Tommi-Fly Natural Dubbing Mix

Dubbing Set Tommi-Fly Natural Dubbing Mix Dubbing Set Tommi-Fly Natural Dubbing Mix
Buy: Dubbing Set Tommi-Fly Natural Dubbing Mix
Code Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: NDMIXSET Unit price: 32,9 EUR Stock: 5 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

This dubbing is made of natural hair and complemented with a very fine synthetic material that gives it an unmistakable shine.

The material is very soft and dubs well on thread.

Very popular are dubbing sets, which contain all offered colors of the respective dubbing type, in the amount of 1 g of each color.

The big advantage of these sets is that, compared to packaging in a bag, the dubbing materials are neatly stored and take up a minimum of space in your binder.

The color numbers are indicated on the packaging, so if you run out of a certain color, just order the corresponding color in the bag.

The advantage of boxes and sets compared to packaging in bags - lower price, clarity, saving space.

Packing: 20 x 1 g

Producer: Tommi-Fly
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