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>Home>Fly Fishing>Fly Tying Materials & Tools>Fly Tying Tools>Dubbing Brush C&F Design 3-in-1 CFT-70

Dubbing Brush C&F Design 3-in-1 CFT-70

Dubbing Brush C&F Design 3-in-1 CFT-70 Dubbing Brush C&F Design 3-in-1 CFT-70
Buy: Dubbing Brush C&F Design 3-in-1 CFT-70
Code Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: 1140020 Unit price: 31,9 EUR Stock: 1 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

A multi-purpose dubbing needle that comes with an integrated brush and half-hitcher.

A sharp needle for cleaning hook eyes, boringholes on a foam piece, or delicate dividing work. The angled section holds head cement for easyapplication.

The brush in the middle is made of fine stainlesswire for picking out dubbed bodies.

Half Hitcher:
A hitcher at the end of the handle comes inhandy for temporarily securing thread at the eye.

Producer: C&F Design
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