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>Home>Fly Fishing>Fly Tying Materials & Tools>Dubbing Boxes>Dubbing Box Tommi-Fly Nuclear Peacock Du ...

Dubbing Box Tommi-Fly Nuclear Peacock Dubbing

Dubbing Box Tommi-Fly Nuclear Peacock Dubbing Dubbing Box Tommi-Fly Nuclear Peacock Dubbing
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Buy: Dubbing Box Tommi-Fly Nuclear Peacock Dubbing
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Code: NPDBOX Unit price: 29,9 EUR Stock: 1 pcs Shipping: promptly -+

Nuclear Peacock Dubbing is a fully synthetic dubbing that is smooth and high gloss at the same time.

It alternates between blue, green and bronze glitter. It is dyed in 10 basic colors, which are especially suitable for the thoraxes and collars of your flies.

They make your flies more visible and also add UV reflection. In light colors, the reflection is very strong, in darker ones it weakens and rather changes the shade.

Producer: Tommi-Fly
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