
Country: Sweden
Type: River

Location size
River: 140 km

Distance from
Stockholm: 850 km
Oslo: 1100 km
Skellefteå: 30 km

Byskeälvens FVO

The Byske river is one of the few remaining rivers that still has its original strain of wild Baltic salmon.

The Byske river is one of the few remaining rivers that still has its original strain of wild Baltic salmon.


Along its 140 km long course through the Skellefteå municipality, the Byske river contains about 40 km of rapids and currents with countless fishing spots. The river's average stream flow velocity in Byske is about 41 m3/s and its width at fishing sites is generally between 40 and 80 m.

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The population of salmon during the most recent 15-year period has greatly improved and now challenges fishermen from near and far to a fight in untamed currents.

In addition to salmon, the river also has a lesser influx of sea trout during spring and fall as well as at the end of July and August. The size varies between 1 - 4 kg with occasional catches over 5 kg. For sea trout fishing, tackle and flies similar to salmon are used.

There are also non-migratory trout. Other species of interest for sport fishing are grayling, whitefish, pike and perch.


Usually 14- or 15-foot two-hand rods are used. Primarily with low water during the month of July, it also works well to use one-hand rods #7 - 9, 9 - 10 feet. Reels should have a capacity of at least 150 - 200 m, 30 - 50 lbs backing. In most cases floating lines are used. Sinking lines are used only during the early pre-summer period (see May 25 – June 10). The length of leaders is usually 5 - 7 m with a tippet diameter of 0.35 – 0.40 mm.

Clothing should be suitable for the following normal temperatures: Night: 0 - 10º C Day: 15 - 25º C. Rain normally occurs every week. Throughout the summer mosquitoes and gnats exist in more or less abundant quantities. Protective clothing along with insect repellent provides satisfactory protection in most cases.

Chest waders with felt insoles are preferable to hip boots. For wading in the more difficult sections, the use of a wading staff is recommended.

How to fish

Through judicious wading in connection with fishing, it is possible to gain access to most standing positions with casting lengths of  10 - 25 m. It should be noted that the river is considered to be relatively difficult to wade because of the rapids with large boulders and high stream velocities. Because of the steep banks with abundant vegetation, underhand casting or similar methods are a great advantage in fishing.

When playing salmon, the river's swift rapids again come to mind. Runs of hundreds of metres are not unusual. On top of this, there are large boulders and occasional logs that also work to the advantage of the fish. Most fish are landed with a firm grip in front of the tail fin, a method that is preferable if the fish is going to be released.

The flies used are tied on both tubes and double and treble hooks. The water is tea-colored, so red and orange flies are used at the start of the season; in summer, black flies, Ally’s Shrimp, GP, Cascade, Thunder and Lighting, Munroe Killer, and the Black and Silver are all popular.

Practical Info

A fishing license can be purchased in the town of Byske (at a small store), the campground in Fallen, in Selet, Fallfors, or Arvidsjaur, as well as from a few citizens along the river marked by the label "Fiskekort".

Accommodation can be found at the campground in Byske (cottages, caravans, tents), in Fallan (a couple of cottages, tents, caravans), and the campground in Fallfors (cottages, caravans, tents). In the town of Selet, there is a simple camp for tents and caravans available for a small fee. Camping along the river is also allowed, and in some places there are rain shelters and toilets. All can be found on the map which is provided with the license.

Byskeälvens FVO (information from local fishing club, guiding etc.)

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