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Glomma River - Tolga/Tynset

Country: Norway
Type: River

Location size
River: 39 km

Distance from
Oslo: 330 km
Trondheim: 175 km

Official website of the fly only project, information about the river, insects, actual fishing reports, fly patterns, many pictures.
General information about River Glomma

In Norway the landowners also have the disposal of the fishing-rights. In this area the landowners are united in the Tolga-Tynset Elveeierlag (river board) to distribute fishing licenses and to ensure good fish stock management.

The total river stretch is devided into four fishing zones : the Tolga zone, the Eidsfossen (Eids waterfall) zone, the Kvennan Fly Fishing zone and the Tynset zone. The borders of these zones are well marked by big signs standing along the river bank. The total length of the Tolga-Tynset stretch is 39 km and the river falls 63 m in altitude. The Kvennan Fly Fishing zone starts where the power lines cross the river, 1 km downstream of Kvennan Camping. It ends 12 km downstream.

Fly only zone in famous river Glomma.

How To Get There

The fisherie is located 330 km north of Oslo, and 175 km south of Trondheim, between the small towns Tynset and Tolga, in the east of Norway.

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Location Details

The Tolga zone: This zone starts at the old bridge of Tolga, and ends at the Eids waterfall. It is about 7 km long, and at most places the current is fast to very fast. It is difficult to wade because of the strong current and the big stones at the river bed. There are a few places with deeper channels, and a bit slower current. These are the places to fish for grayling. You can expect to find trout everywhere, and quite a few Norwegian fisherman favour this river stretch for it's nice trout fishing. The fall in this river zone is ca 35 m, and at most places Glomma is about 90 m wide. The average depth is about 1 meter, don't try to cross the river, you will be swimming!

The Eidsfossen zone: Beginning at the Eids waterfall and ending 1 km downstream of Kvennan Camping, this stretch is about 4 km long. Near the waterfall there are some very deep holes in the river bed, and many interesting eddies and hiding places for big trout. Every year some big trout up to 4 kg are taken, and the biggest grayling comes from this zone (67 cm, 3 kg). The area best suited for grayling fly fishing  starts about 1 km upstream of Kvennan Camping, where the current slows down from fast to medium fast. Just in front of the campsite, near the isles, you can expect to have great fly fishing during the whole season. In the lower section of this zone the river is max. 120 m wide, and in total she falls 17 m. The average depth varies from 0,5 meter to 1,5 meter. It is possible to cross the river just downstream the isles at Kvennan Camping, if you are careful. You will need a wading staff.

The Fly Fishing zone: The Kvennan Fly Fishing zone starts where the power lines cross the river, 1 km downstream of Kvennan Camping. It ends 12 km downstream. There are several groups of isles in this zone, all of them provide great opportunities for fly fishing. The speed of the current is at most places quite low resulting in good circumstances for dry fly fishing, but there are also many sections with faster current. The river falls 10 meters, and can be up to 160 meters wide. The gravel bottom makes wading easy. The depth ranges from 0,5 m to about 5 meter in a deep hole close to Aakerøien Camping, and if you go from isle to isle it is possible to cross the river at a few places.

The Tynset zone: Where the FF zone ends, the Tynset zone begins. It ends between Tynset and Alvdal, at Auma bridge. At most places the current is very slow and the river looks more like a lake. The river bed is sandy, and there is an abundance of aquatic vegetation. Averaging the river is 90 meters wide, and by far to deep to cross. She falls only 1 meter, and the zone is 19 km long.


Grayling are the most abundant salmonid, and they are really plentiful. Most of them will be between 30 and 40 cm. A  45 cm grayling is nothing special, and every summer there are a few lucky fly fisherman with 50+ cm grayling. Wild brown trout is less abundant, but can grow to trophy size: wild brown trout up to 6 kg and 85 cm have been caught in recent years. Using streamers is the best trick, but as soon as the night get really dark again, from late July on, a sedge imitation can bring good results. One can fish for pike also, in the deep holes there are a few "crocodiles" to be found. No need to mention: fly only!! In the lower part of the Fly Fishing zone and in the Tynset zone it is possible to fish for mountain white fish. Best way to do this is using nymphs, but sometimes a small dry fly can do just fine.


A 9 feet #5/6 fly rod will do fine for all your trout and grayling fishing. Bring a wading stick, chest waders and don't forget some bug spray.

How To Fish

Early spring is the time for nymphing. From the first week of June dry fly fishing is picking up, stonefly imitations will do just fine. In the end of June massive caddis hatches can be expected, a Klinkhamer special dry fly (originally designed by Hans van Klinken, exactly on this stretch of river Glomma) will bring you many fish.

High summer can be great for dry fly fishing. Bring ant, midge and several upwinged patterns. But it can also be very interesting to fish large streamers for big brown's. Use minnow and sculpin imitations, like the "Glomma dog". Late season is the time for tiny dry flies like Iron Blue Dun patterns, Griffith Gnat and very small bead head nymph patterns.

Other good fly patterns : Elkwing Caddis, Skating Caddis, Klinkhamer, Red Tag, Grayling Witch, Grifffith Gnat, CDC BWO, Sulpher Emerger, Paradun Grey, Czech Nymphs, GRHE Nymph, Muddler Minnow, Woolly Bugger.

Practical Info

Accommodation is provided by two camp sites, and there are several high standard cabins close to the river for hire.

In Tynset one can find a tackle shop with basic fly fishing equipment.

A fishing license is required throughout the whole fishing area. The license can be bought at Kvennan Camping. Day license and week license are available.

The fishing season starts May 15 and it ends September 15 for brown trout, October 15 for grayling.

Catch and release is strongly recommended, however, if one has to, 1 fish per day can be taken: minimum size 35 cm, maximum size 40 cm.

Fly fishing is possible without guide, but one can get guide service - see: http://www.kvennan.com

Official website of the fly only project, information about the river, insects, actual fishing reports, fly patterns, many pictures

Information about River Glomma



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